Shot In The Eye

The pain took over my whole eye ball. I couldn’t believe that the little air soft pellet could immobilize my hole eye. I was more worried than scared because I was thinking that I would never see again out of that one eye that was just a huge blur.

Tubing and Westlake Game

Last Friday I went tubing on my boat. It was really fun even though we only got to go for a little while, because the Westlake game was on the same day. It was really fun because there wasn’t much boats on the lake so we could do donut holes a bunch. Since we were going double tubing we could have tube wars. tube wars is like king of the hill but on tubes the last person on one of the tubes wins. After every one went home I got ready for the Westlake game. Westlake was playing temple they are a good team. After a while of the game I thought we lost for sure. But once we got to the 4th quarter I looked at the score board again and Westlake was only down by 3. Westlake got the ball back and scored and we won.