Media and Memory

I just couldn’t do without the movie “Brother Bear.” I loved that movie so much. I must have watched it at least thirty times and never grew tired of it. It was such a heart-warming movie. It made me happy when I watched it. My favorite character was the little bear Koda. The reason I liked Koda was he had a wonderful sense of humor. His mouth seemed to never stop running. I watched this movie in many different places with the help of my mom’s portable DVD player. Road trips, during dinner, the airport, on the plane, on the way to church…you name it…I watched it there.
It seemed like this movie was becoming part of me and my life at the time. Today I don’t watch it as much, but I still manage to get a “Brother Bear” fix at least a couple times a year. Although I have moved on from this phase, “Brother Bear” will always hold a special place in my heart as it seems to capture, bring back, and bring to life so many wonderful memories of my childhood.

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